2023 Week 2 - Day 2

Weekend Series: Paths by the Lake

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tanna inhaled and exhaled quietly before addressing her frightened sidekick. “Quincy, take a deep breath and count to ten.”

Tanna’s tone changed from the earlier jabbing sounds meant to show her brother who was in charge. She had wisely learned when to mock, scold, and reassure her travel companion.

Quincy took her advice. Doing so released the vice grip hold. Quincy opened his eyes, put the pack on his back, and raised his head in agreement. “Okay.”

The two moved in the opposite direction of Lunar’s Ridge, picking up their pace with each determined step.

“What do you think it will be like?” Quincy asked.

“Are you talking about where we’re returning to or where we’re going?” Tanna asked.

“I guess both.”

Tanna smiled and stopped. “Wait.” She removed her pack and searched it until she pulled out a bag of plantain chips and an expired pouch of spicy lentils. “We can’t keep going without something lining our stomachs besides saliva.”

She did anything she could to avoid answering the first half of Quincy’s question. It’s not because Tanna wondered the same things as Quincy. Instead, she knew what awaited their return and wanted nothing more than to be his hero in that moment.

“Are you going to tell me?” Quincy asked.

“You’ll never grow up if spoon-feeding you the answers to life causes you so much worry.”

“I think I’m plenty grown.”

It worked. Quincy stopped pressing the issue. Tanna didn’t want the manchild to lose focus on their mission. They would both see what darkness awaited them soon enough and carrying it on their minds did nothing but cause unnecessary trepidation.

They made their way across the bridge that separated Government Island from the old world. Memories of yesterday flooded their minds as they ventured through past familiarity. The hopes of tomorrow had to wait as Tanna and Quincy took a moment to reminisce.

“It all looks so different but also the same,” Tanna said. Her head slowly turned as she took everything in. “It’s like I’m seeing ghosts.”

Quincy had shared the same experience over time, but seeing his old life up close brought back a momentary reminder of his youthfulness. He would never be that young again, so he tried to enjoy the feeling.

"Frosty's Creamery!" Quincy dashed towards the vine-covered building with the rickety sign attached.

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