Do What?!?

Weekend Series: At The Movies

DreamTeam Writer: Lauri White

Read James 1

Monday, November 21, 2022

November 21, 2022

How hard would it be to try to make someone understand something they were incapable of experiencing? In the movie CODA, a young girl named Ruby had some very real obstacles to achieving her dream. Pastor Ben did a great job of teasing out the fears she confronted as she tried to figure it all out!

The first fear was the fear of what others would think.

When I decided to become a police officer, no one in my family understood it. No one in my family had ever done that. We didn’t even know anyone who was a police officer. My reasons were way more practical than Ruby’s, but the challenges of facing my family’s opinions were very real.

The second fear we discussed was the fear of inadequacy.

Ruby loved to sing, but no one had ever heard her. What if she wasn’t any good? For me, becoming a police officer required skills I had never learned before. I had never even held a gun, let alone considered the possibility of firing it AT someone! I’d never been in a fist fight, except for wrestling around with my younger brothers. Just like Ruby, I didn’t know if I would be good at it.

The third fear was the fear of being needy.

Ruby and I needed help to learn, but not everyone was interested in our success. Thankfully, we both had someone older and wiser come to our assistance to help us when we doubted ourselves.

The final fear we discussed was that of sacrifice—what is this going to cost the people I love? 

As we step into our dreams, they often rub up against the dreams of others. Just like Ruby, we can only see the thing we want at first. The needs of others are a bit foggy. But when the rubber meets the road, how do we weigh the benefit to us versus the harm to others? It’s tricky and challenging, but hard experiences usually offer opportunities for growth for everyone—if we take it!

I have always loved the following verses. They show that God wastes nothing in his desire to make himself real to us!

James 1:2-3
2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

God shows up in the midst of our trials and makes a way for us, but it depends on us trusting him and his goodness. Only when we yield to him will we have the opportunity to grow and experience all he has for us!


With what fear is God asking you to trust him? What dream might be blocked by that fear, and how can you overcome it?

Next Steps:

I find journaling is helpful for sorting out my feelings and discerning the validity of them. Grab some paper and a pen, and journal about a dream you have that seems to have stalled. Sort through your fears with a trusted friend and find the next step.


Lord God, you have amazing plans for us—ones that often require us to trust you more than is comfortable! But I believe you love it when we put our hand in yours and trust you to lead us to the next adventure! We pray for courage and understanding and help! Give us the humility to ask for help and accept the wisdom of others and the courage to move forward in the purpose you have for our lives. Amen.

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