April Celebrations!!

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Sunday, April 30, 2023


Oh! My! Goodness! Easter was an absolute blast!! I had the chance to be a part of some of the unique elements of our Easter services, and it was such an honor. I got the opportunity to be on the first-ever CedarCreek Choir! I had the chance meet/sing with some amazing people! Back Row (Left to Right) - Micah, Me, Zoe, and Ally. Front Row (Left to Right) - Phil, Taylor, and Val. It was such a blessing to be able to hang out with these incredible human beings! For most of us, it was our first time singing on stage as well! Over the course of the weekend, we got a chance to get to know each other more and hear more of each other's stories. We walked in as strangers and walked out as friends. How cool is it that we are designed to be in community?!? Since Easter, I have gotten to see almost all of them sing on stage for the first time, doing something they love, worshipping God! Val is originally from our Oregon Campus and, a few weeks ago, stepped on stage to shadow singing. It was such a cool moment to see her share her passion and love of singing! Taylor calls the Perrysburg Campus her home, and as she has also stepped on stage, it has been so awesome getting to see her step with more and more confidence each time she shares her gift! Being a part of something bigger than yourself is truly unlike any other! It is such an honor to work alongside like-minded people and encourage each other in how God has wired us. 

DreamTeam Celebration:

This last Friday, we got the opportunity to celebrate all of our DreamTeam Volunteers across all of our 6 campuses! It was such a blast! Getting to see their smiling faces and serving them with the same heart they serve our guests with every weekend was such a gift! This Sunday, before the 9 o'clock service, a DreamTeam Member of mine, Zonnie, came up to me and sparked a conversation about it. The first question she asked me was, "What is God teaching you?" Such a beautiful question! I replied, "God is teaching me about the beauty of being present and having patience. How about you?" She replied, "He is teaching me how to be humble and not judge." We continued our conversation for a few minutes on how challenging each of our things have been to learn, and she turned to me and said, "You know what is so humbling? Being chosen by God to be a part of what he is doing here. That Celebration! I left on cloud 9! I left lifted, excited, and feeling blessed to be a part of the impact of what we get to do here." With excitement, I replied, "Zonnie! That's amazing! I'm so happy to hear that! That was our goal! To make it so you guys left feeling filled and loved!" She started tearing up, grabbed my hand, and said, "It is so humbling and beautiful that I get to be a part of something bigger than myself" I started tearing up and said, "It truly is!" She asked me, "Edna, do you find it humbling and beautiful to be a part of something bigger than yourself?" I smile and said, "Yes, yes, I do. There is nothing quite like it." She smiled and said, "No, no, there is not." We talked a little more with tears in our eyes about what we have the opportunity to do and the community we have found in each other. Wow. I left the conversation speechless. There truly is nothing like being a part of something bigger than yourself. It is such a blessing what I get to do day in and day out! 

April Overview:

Over the course of April, I have learned a lot. I have had opportunities to lean in with the community God has placed around me. To have conversations that can, in the end, mean more connection to God and others to God. The value of rest in serving and the rest that comes from serving. The beauty of being present, patient, and how to be humble in the midst of it all. As I near the end of the internship, God continues to amaze me with the nuggets of faithfulness he shows; not only to me but to all of those around me. Doing Kingdom work has had its challenges, but has held the sweetest beauties! Thank you for being on this adventure with me! Thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement! I wouldn't be able to do what I do without you!! Thank you!! 


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