2023 Week 3 - Day 3

Weekend Series: No Good Deed - Jake's Story

DreamTeam Writer: Julie Mabus

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sirens blared as another ambulance rolled up to the hospital door. It was a busy night. The waiting room was full, and we had three ambulances with patients in critical condition drive up in the last hour. How am I going to make it through the night? I loved my job as an ER physician assistant, but sometimes I just wanted to retreat to my quiet home and soft bed.

As I looked at the person being wheeled down the corridor, my heart gave a lurch. Another OD. What is wrong with people? Why do they do this to their bodies? This guy can’t be more than 18, and he’s already coded and been resuscitated in the ambulance, all from taking a bad pill. I wonder if he thinks it was worth it.

“Jake, I want you in on this case,” yelled Dr. Nelson as he followed the gurney into the triage room. We worked on the kid for an hour. During that time, his heart stopped again; we got it going again and stabilized him enough to transport him to the ICU.

That case hit me hard. My brother James is that age. He could have just as easily been on that gurney. He could have gotten dragged into this pit and ruined his life. Well, at least we got the guy stabilized, and he should recover, I hope.

The next case left me empty. A young girl rolled in on the next ambulance. Maybe she was 16, but I doubt it. She appeared to be the same age as my baby sister. But this girl, she looked like she has struggled from the beginning. I wonder if she was one of those babies I served years ago in the soup kitchen? Maybe she was Sheila’s daughter. Why is it that some people just don’t seem to stand a chance in this world?

As I sat brooding in the break room, my friend Tom walked in. “Do you need some coffee?” he asked.

“No, just some sleep and a new job,” I retorted. “Why can’t people just take care of themselves? Why do people constantly destroy their lives? What is wrong with this world?” Even as I spoke, I knew there was no answer.

Tom thought carefully for a minute then replied, “Man, I don’t know why people are bent on destroying themselves and each other. But I do know that as long as there are people destroying themselves, hurting others, or just sick, they will need us. This job isn’t for the faint of heart, but we are needed. We need more like you. You are an important part of this team.”

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