Get S.M.A.R.T in 2024

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, December 29, 2023

Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Good habits can be started anytime, but for many, the first of the year is a perfect opportunity to begin something new. Unfortunately, most who set these goals give up by the end of January.

However, being S.M.A.R.T about it, can help set you up for success. But how?

S – Specific –Rather than something vague like “I will eat healthy”, be more exact with it. “I will eat at least 1 serving of vegetables every day”.

M – Measurable – Can you measure if you accomplished doing the new goal? I will walk 20 minutes three times per week exercise is easier to measure than I will exercise more.

A – Achievable – Is this something you can actually, reasonably do? A goal such as I will read the entire Bible two times this year, when you don’t yet have a habit of reading it for 15 minutes a day, is likely not going to be achievable. Set a goal that you can be successful at.

Try a mini-habit – something that is too small to fail at, such as doing 5 squats or reading one verse of Scripture a day. These are goals that, even if you forget until right before bed, you could complete without difficulty. You will feel a sense of accomplishment, making you more likely to do it again because you are riding on the coattails of success. Realize you are not limited to only doing the 5 squats. You can do as many as you want, or even a full workout, but you will do at least 5 squats each day.

R – Relevant. Does the goal connect or support your long-term goals? Small goals that connect with larger ones will make you more likely to do them.

T - Time-Bound – Set an end point and then reevaluate how things are going. “I will eat at least 1 serving of vegetables every day for the next two months.”

60 days is a great time frame, as its long enough for the habit to become ingrained in our neural pathways, but short enough to keep us focused. At the two-month mark, its wise to take some time to reflect on what is working well and what needs to be adjusted, and move ahead from there.

Being S.M.A.R.T. will set you up for success and move you closer to accomplishing your goals in 2024.

Happy New Year!

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