Growing Stories

Weekend Series: Now What…

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Growing up I was sort of a follower. Not necessarily of Jesus but of other people. I knew who Jesus was, but I wasn’t a churchgoer. I was more of a people-pleaser. In school, I felt like I could never be the leader of anything, let alone a group of people. Little did I know, I just needed to discover my purpose in life to become a leader. Since then, I have done some growing. 

Although I still love to please people, I now know it’s for better reasons than to make them like me. It pleases me to see others grow in their personal and spiritual lives. 

I no longer need to be fearful about leading others, because now that I know my purpose in Christ, I am confident in my abilities. The process of living out that purpose has filled me with the ability and desire to lead others to do the same with their God-given gifts.

Ephesians 4:13
This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

In some ways, I still feel like my purpose is to please people, but it’s completely different now. My purpose is to be a family man, to lead my kids and anyone else I come into contact with to Jesus. I am always thankful when I can put a smile on another person's face, especially when I lead someone to ask questions about Jesus. It gives me an opportunity to share my story with others and allow them to see how he has worked in my life.  

Psalms 119:1
“Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD.”

In my family, I can start teaching my kids to avoid the mistakes I made growing up. With everyone else, I can continue telling my story and writing to lead others to Christ. That brings me incredible joy, and I hope it brings joy to those who read as well.

Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? If so, have you discovered your purpose? If you haven't, are you excited to find out how?

Next Steps:
Attend GrowthTrack to discover your purpose and share your gifts with everyone you can. Keep attending a life-giving church—the more you learn the more you will grow.

God, I love leading others to you. It makes me supremely happy to know I have shared your love with others so that they can see how much you love them too. Without the gifts you have given me, I would not be able to do life with such enjoyment. I am so thankful that each breath I draw gives me the opportunity to tell another story that may lead others to you. In Jesus' name, amen.

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