Just Pray!

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, January 5, 2024

Are you intimidated by the idea of prayer? Do you skip it all together out of fear of doing something “wrong”? Here’s the good news – prayer doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t have to be perfect to do it.

Prayer is the opportunity to come into God’s presence. It’s a chance to know him better and be known by him. Although it’s tempting to think we must have it together before approaching God in prayer, or must use the perfect words, loving and trusting the Father is all that’s needed.

One incredible thing about prayer is that it’s a key way God transforms us. As we spend time in his presence, he meets us where we are at, helps us to know him better, and changes us from the inside out. Each time we connect with God, praising who he is, admitting our mistakes, making a petition, and trusting the results, he gently molds our heart to be more like his.

As with anything new, prayer takes practice, but like most things, we “get it together by going,” so just begin. The more you do it, the easier it will become.

If you aren’t quite sure where to begin, don’t be embarrassed. The disciples themselves asked Jesus to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1-4). Jesus gave them (and us!) The Lord’s Prayer as a template. There are also acronyms such as P.R.A.Y (praise, repent, ask, yield) that you can use to structure your prayers in the beginning.

Whichever you choose, as you embark on the spiritual practice of prayer, keep it simple. Your language doesn’t need to be flowery or religious. Focus on connecting with God rather than merely requesting things as if he’s a heavenly vending machine. While he definitely wants you to ask for what you need (Luke 11:5-13), he wants a relationship with you even more. So, be sure to listen instead of just asking. Carve out time in your day where you can focus. Take a few quiet minutes to share your needs and listen to God. Relish this time connecting with the Creator of the universe who wants to have a deeper relationship with you.

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