Let The Past Be - At The Movies 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wednesday: Let the Past Be

November 9, 2022

Have you ever chosen to stay where you are because living in the past kept you from moving forward? You see it many times in movies and in real life—the “kids” who never grow up because high school was the best time of their lives.

I was one of those kids. Although I enjoyed the Friday night lights and cruising the circuit (Findlay people know what I mean.), those small successes weren’t what kept my feet in place. We heard last weekend that sometimes the success of our past holds us back from what’s next. However, more often, it’s a pain from our past—the hurts, mistakes, and regrets—that holds us back when we least expect it.

I remember when I wouldn’t share my good and successful moments. I thought, “Who am I to deserve any of it?” I ignored opportunities pulling me toward what I wanted because those most important to me couldn’t share in the joy. I didn’t want to overshadow someone else’s extinguished hope with my dreams and purpose. I was the champion of carrying their pain, foolishly believing I was somehow helping.

It wasn’t until someone shared that it was okay for me to move on that I began trying to live the life I was given. I was thankful for her “whisper(ed) words of wisdom.

Philippians 3:13

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, ...

I never realized that some of the people closest to me could see the internal pain I was creating by living in the past. Changing my focus gave me the strength to finally let go. It opened my eyes to see that the people I thought I was championing never wanted that burden for me. Last weekend, we heard that “God can’t put something new in your hand if you’re holding onto something old.” Letting go isn’t the same as ignoring what was—it’s surrendering the past to God, so you can accept his plan for you moving forward.


What do you need to let go of in your life? Why are you afraid to let it go?

Next Steps:

Pray about the things in your past that are keeping you from taking your next step. Read more of Philippians 3 to understand Paul’s messages. Invite someone to join you on this new journey or offer someone an invitation to church so they can start their own.

Take a step toward finding freedom! Check out Celebrate Recovery to help you navigate your hurts, habits, or hang-ups.

If you haven’t already, sign up for our special LIO Flash Fiction series that parallels the movie theme each week by texting FICTION to 419-419-0707.


God, let me continue moving on from the past so I can keep moving forward in the life you planned for me. Help me understand that letting go can help honor those who have gone before me. The past cannot steady the unrest in my present, so I surrender it all to you. Amen.

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