Natural Consequences - The Vault

DreamTeam Writer: Karen Peck

Read Matthew 25

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Natural Consequences – The Vault

October 12, 2022/in Week 1, Bible Study

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The concept of natural consequences is intriguing to me. It is one item that has been missing from my toolbelt for too many years. While it is doubtful I will ever reach a level of expertise in its use, when utilized, the results are stunning. As we read yesterday in the LIO, there are natural consequences to our foolish actions. Similarly, there are also natural consequences when we are wise.

In the world of parenting, wise parents recognize the value of allowing their children to suffer from natural consequences as opposed to enforcing punitive punishments, and our Father is certainly wise. The Bible presents countless examples of natural consequences that result from a behavior. We saw it with the foolish bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-12.

Rest assured, God’s love for us is so great he has a plan for us even in the midst of our less than stellar choices. But he may allow us to experience the consequences to help us recognize that life is best when we put God first. And while dropping the excuses, acknowledging wrongdoings, and inviting Christ into our hearts will not always make the consequences go away, it will bring us into a right relationship with him.

Conversely, there are numerous, amazing natural consequences awaiting those who put God first. As we are reminded with this week’s bottom line, “My fulfilling future begins with being faithful today.” We see these natural consequences play out in the experiences of the five wise bridesmaids.

Matthew 25:1-2

1 “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.”

The fate of the wise bridesmaids—a secure future—is the desire of most everyone. Like most things in life, however, there is a cost attached. One such cost is spiritual discipline. Being wise demands a narrow focus on God and squeezing out unhealthy habits, hurts, and hang-ups. Being wise entails Christian growth—establishing an unshakeable faith. Being wise often means leaning into biblical truth when life knocks you around. Being wise involves trusting fully in the personhood of Jesus Christ when events in life swirl around you.

Although some will be unwilling to pay the price, for those stepping into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the benefits are out of this world! Being a good steward of time and choosing to invest in our own spiritual healthiness will secure a return available nowhere else!


Where do you land on the spectrum of being wise versus being foolish? Are there people speaking into your life, expressing concern around your choices? What have you been avoiding in an effort to stay comfortable?

What would stepping into wisdom look like? What natural consequences might result from those wise choices?

Next Steps:

Take an honest look at what your choices may be costing you. Consider life changes that could mean stepping into wisdom and leaving foolishness behind.

Consider joining a Group. Surround yourself with others on your adventure with Jesus who can help speak wisdom and truth into your life.


Father, it is clear to me the folly of my own ways has come at a very high price. Thank you for loving me in spite of this and for bringing others into my life to speak truth in love. Empower me to quickly identify the foolishness of my ways and fill me with your wisdom. May you receive much glory as I follow your lead away from foolishness and into wisdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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