Replace My Burn - Mixed Emotions

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Read Matthew 11

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Replace My Burden – Mixed Emotions

September 15, 2022/in Week 1, Bible Study

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My grandparents dreamed of retiring to Maryland; however, when my mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, they stayed in Ohio to help raise us and take care of her. The decision was easy for them because good parents do what is necessary.

My mother tried to remain independent even as her body betrayed her spirit. But when life’s stresses started snatching our childhood, she placed herself in a nursing home. Her decision was meant to lighten our hearts and replace work with the freedom of life.

Matthew 11:29-30

29 “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

We learned from the weekend message that Jesus doesn’t only take the problem away, he teaches us to see things differently. Jesus changes the way we see and live our lives. Walking in God’s light replaces our weariness with rest and our burden with his yoke.

What does that mean? A “yoke” is that heavy, wooden harness between a pair of oxen, allowing them to work together to pull a load. Jesus is offering to share our burdens. He wants to team up with us. His yoke—a new way to live and view the world—is easy to bear and fits us well. It brings us rest.

Jesus teaches that our problems don’t disappear like Thanos snapping his fingers. My Marvel friends know what I mean. However, teaming up with God makes things easier to handle. My grandparents improved my mother’s last years because they teamed up with her for her fight, giving her the strength to teach us about true love and sacrifice.

And when the time came, Jesus provided me with the fortitude and wisdom I needed to tell my mother to let go and finally rest.


What do you do when the burden of life tires you out? Do you attempt to ignore or hide your stress?

Next Steps:

Stop living life alone by joining a Group. Pray and find strength in God’s promises to aid and guide you through your troubles.


Lord, grant me patience when I am anxious. Give me rest when I am too stressed to make proper decisions. Teach me how to let go of the problems that are too big to handle, and allow me to learn how to see the lessons within those problems. I am grateful for the love you give. Amen.

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