Repurpose Evil

Weekend Series: At The Movies 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Karen Peck

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November 29, 2022

Last weekend At the Movies, Richard Williams, father of tennis greats, Venus and Serena, was presented as a man with an undying love for his daughters. He wrote a 78-page plan to ensure his daughters would succeed in tennis. That is no small undertaking. It would be interesting to know the number of revisions he made to his plan.

Mr. Williams portrayed the heart of many fathers. He wanted to ensure his daughters received the respect he never received growing up. He wanted all of his daughters to become the amazing women they had the potential to become. Clearly, he did not sit on the sidelines, hoping it would happen. He got involved. He stayed involved. And although God is the only perfect father, it appears Richard gave it his very best.

Followers of Christ, similarly, have a plan to refer to—the Bible. It is a trustworthy point of reference for everyone (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It is within the pages of this book we are instructed how best to respond to evil—the very dilemma Mr. Williams faced. He had the mindset to take someone’s life for the evil perpetrated against his family. His intended response—murder—is understandable to many.

As is often the case, God’s response to evil supersedes man’s response. Paul’s letter to Rome offers three separate responses to evil: Romans 12:21 NIV: “overcome evil with good”; Romans 12:17 NIV: “never pay back evil for evil”; and Romans 12:19 NIV: “leave room for the wrath of God.” 

Peter’s words get very personal! 1 Peter 2:1 identifies several forms of evil behavior. OUCH! Becoming Christ-like requires much pruning! The reference in Matthew 15:19 reports our hearts produce much evil. What is one to do? For me, accepting I am nothing without him, and that I can do no good thing without him, keeps me on the right path.

No one should be surprised at the level of wrongdoing and evil in our country and around the world. No one can consistently follow God’s lead in managing evil without his holy presence in one’s life. Not you. Not me. Obviously, many remain in need of a Savior to save us from our sin. That same Savior will save us from ourselves as we allow him to empower us to overcome evil with good when it shows up in our lives.


How do you respond to evil? Have you been a victim of evil? Have you resolved evil done to you? Do you identify as a victim of evil? Have you allowed evil done to you to define you in a negative way?   

Next Steps:

Increase your understanding of evil from a biblical perspective. Consider ways to overcome evil as a Christ follower. Claim the truth of God’s word in Romans 8:28 NASB.


Father, there is no shortage of evil in this world. Give me the fortitude to stand properly in the face of evil in ways that honor you. As I recover from evil done to me, empower me to be a vessel of healing to those close to me. Strengthen me to take a stand against all forms of evil, recognizing it is through the blood of Christ I am empowered to face every form of evil known to man. Align my path with those choosing to face evil in Godly ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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