Start the Party - Parents | June 18, 2024

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bottom Line:

Celebrate the Good News.


Read Luke 15:11-32


I remember it like it happened yesterday. My husband sat in a chair next to me, as I lay on the examination bed in that dim ultrasound room. Our wide-eyed toddler curiously stared at all the computers and equipment, wondering if there were any buttons he’d be allowed to press. The technician did her thing, searching for that tiny blob that resembled more of a bean than a baby. “Well, it looks like Oliver is going to have a little sister!” she proclaimed, and the room erupted with equal parts cheers and tears. But only for a moment. Because we quickly heard that same voice gasp, “Oh, no!”

The gigantic smile vanished from my face. My heart dropped. And I immediately assumed the absolute worst. You see, I had only recently emerged from a painful journey of multiple miscarriages. The words, “Oh, no,” in the ultrasound room were never an indication of news to celebrate. In fact, in my experience, they were only used to preface something devastating.

But just before the emotions evolved from heartbreak to hysteria, the sweetest of sentences turned our sudden mourning into dancing. “It’s not a little girl! Oliver’s going to have a baby brother!” So after sharing my sidenote advice with the technician to never EVER use the words, “Oh, no,” in an ultrasound room, I transitioned back into celebrating the best news ever.

More than likely, you’ve experienced extraordinarily outstanding, life-changing news before, too. Maybe it wasn’t a baby. But a promotion at work, perhaps? Or a notice in the mail stating you’ve paid off your student loans? How about that sizeable tax return check? The truth is, we’ve all experienced celebration-worthy news at some point. And if we’ve made the decision to believe in who Jesus says He is, then we have a reason to celebrate the greatest news every single day!

Today we’ll be focusing on the forgiveness we receive through the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us. God’s forgiveness will always be the greatest news we could ever celebrate! Take a moment to celebrate what He’s done for you and be ready to step into a conversation with your child about God's forgiveness. 

1. Where do you see yourself in the Parable of the Lost Son? Do you resemble more of the older or younger brother, and why? 

2. How has God's forgiveness changed your life? 


Dear God, we pray each child will recognize their need for forgiveness. May they run to you in thankfulness; celebrating the good news that Jesus made a way for them to be forgiven! We pray children will be led to make a personal decision to follow you. Give us what we need to love and lead them well. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

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