Start the Party - Parents | June 20, 2024

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bottom Line:

Jesus brings the joy. 


Read Kids Camp Memory Verse - Acts 2:28


What brings you joy? Is it that first cup of coffee in the morning? An evening walk on a summer night? Your favorite team clinching the win? It’s easy to be full of joy when things are good. It’s much more challenging to be joyful when things feel overwhelming, confused, and downright hard.

The Kids Camp memory verse teaches us that joy is found in the presence of Jesus. And not just some joy, or a little joy – “you will FILL me with JOY when I am WITH YOU" (Acts 2:28.) This joy may not always make you want to jump up and have a dance party (although sometimes it will!) But it’s often a restful, grounding, trusting joy. We are filled with joy when we experience Jesus, our Good Shepherd, holding all things together. We are filled with joy and led to worship when we remember we are cared for by the King of Kings who promises never to leave us. 

Jesus started the best party ever when He came to earth to rescue us. That’s good news that brings us great joy! 

1. What is your heart full of today? Talk to God about that. 

2. When do you feel Jesus' presence the most? Is there a next step you feel called to explore? (Consider: Bible reading, prayer, serving, giving)


Dear God, thank you for an incredible week! Thank you for making yourself known to little hearts, and for the work you're doing in my heart as well. I want to know you more. I want to rest in your presence and experience the fullness of your joy. Please fill me up with you and help me to share your joy with the next generation. We worship you and praise you for this week. May these children grow in their relationship with you and follow you for the rest of their lives! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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