Tame the Inner Toddler - Mixed Emotions

DreamTeam Writer: Julie Mabus

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tame the Inner Toddler – Mixed Emotions

September 13, 2022/in Week 1, Bible Study

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This past Christmas was emotionally difficult for me. I was dealing with health struggles and feeling insecure about some relationships. … And I wanted a puppy—not one of those tiny little puppies that you can put in your handbag, a big one—a Bernese Mountain Dog.

As if homeschooling 5 children (ages 4 to 11), dealing with health struggles, and caring for my family was not enough, I wanted to add a new layer of chaos—a puppy! Well, when my best-laid plans were not falling into place like I wanted, my inner toddler came out. I am not proud of how I acted and the tears of frustration I shed, but there it is. It’s easy to get stuck and allow our emotions to dictate our behavior. Sometimes that inner toddler will not stay inside, and we find ourselves acting like a two-year old. Thankfully, we don’t have to allow our lives to be dictated by that inner tyrant.

This past weekend, we learned how our emotions are not a guide but a guess. When we encounter a situation, our reaction is a choice. We can react in a way that demonstrates maturity and trust or set the toddler free. Even in difficult situations, God has given us more control over our emotions than we realize.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

When we encounter a situation that sets our emotions rolling, we have a choice: We can allow ourselves to lose control, or we can demonstrate a maturity that can only be found in trusting God. He has given us the power to discipline ourselves, to react to difficult situations in a way that honors him and shows the world that we have been transformed.

Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

By allowing God to change the way we think about a situation and trusting him with the outcome, we demonstrate to the world that we have a great and powerful God. When we allow the Holy Spirit to take our emotions and shape them into something productive, we are a powerful witness to the world.

In case you are wondering about the puppy situation—we were able to adopt a mama dog at the beginning of February, and our new puppy was born earlier this month. In November, my husband and I will be the proud parents of five children and two giant dogs. Pray for us.


When something does not go your way, how do you react? Do you get stuck in the cycle of big emotions and feel out of control? Have you ever considered that while your emotions are not bad, they do not need to control your behavior?

Next Steps:

The next time you feel your emotions rising to the surface, remember God has given you a spirit of self-discipline. Pray for strength to see the situation as it really is and not how it feels in the moment.


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me feelings. They help me experience the highs and lows of life in a way that is distinctly human. They make me who I am and show me that I am made in your image. Thank you also for giving me the power to control them. Help me to remember that, in the midst of a difficult situation, I can call on you to help me react in a mature way. Help me to use my emotions in a way that draws others toward you. Amen.

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