The Risk Worth Taking

Weekend Series: Luke Devotions

DreamTeam Writer: Becca Roberts

Read Luke 17

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Whether you sheltered at home or were an essential worker on the frontlines, I think we can all agree that we faced a lot of fears in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an uncertain time. Not knowing what it would bring, many of us were uncomfortable leaving the safety of our homes and interacting with others. But we couldn’t stay inside forever, and inevitably, we all had to determine how much risk we were willing to take.

Back in Jesus’ day, the illness that caused fear was leprosy. Lepers were forbidden by law and custom to approach uninfected people for fear of spreading it. As a result, lepers kept themselves at a distance—outcasts in society—suffering and fearing they would never gain back the normal life they had lost. 

One day, Jesus went into a village where he met ten men with leprosy. They called out to Jesus to have mercy on them. Although he could have healed them immediately, Jesus told the lepers to go to the priest. To find healing, the men had to risk going into town and facing punishment. 

The lepers decided it was a risk worth taking and stepped out in faith to follow Jesus. 

Luke 17:11-14
11 As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. 12 As he entered a village there, ten men with leprosy stood at a distance, 13 crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” 14 He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy.

Perhaps the lepers feared that Jesus’ instructions to present themselves to the priest wouldn’t result in healing, because the men all left without thanking Jesus. Even after they were all healed, only one man returned to praise Jesus. Jesus told him, “Your faith has healed you” (v 19). 

Chances are, the challenge you’re navigating isn’t a risky visit to a priest to heal a skin disease. But maybe Jesus is asking you to change careers, to begin healing a broken relationship, or to stop a harmful habit. Regardless of the challenge, allow Jesus to be your guide and help you get back on track if you’re lost.

If the lepers hadn’t trusted Jesus, they would have missed the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they were offered. Don’t miss your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Take your first step or the next step on your faith journey. It will feel scary sometimes, but following Jesus is the risk worth taking. 

How is Jesus asking you to trust him?

What is holding you back from following Jesus? 

Next Steps:
Take time to journal about what step of faith Jesus is asking you to take.

Attend GrowthTrack to learn your purpose and how you might be able to use your spiritual gifts.

God, I want to thank you for who you are and for the work being done today no matter what my past holds. I pray for the boldness to follow Jesus. God, you know what is best for me. Please help me to see any opportunities you have for me so that I don’t miss them. I pray for my faith to grow and to know you more. Amen.

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