Trusting in the Help of Others

Weekend Series: At The Movies 2022

DreamTeam Writer: Isabelle Billnitzer

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

November 23, 2022

I have learned that asking for help is one of the most difficult aspects of life. I tend to rely on myself and act like I have it all together. I often bear my burdens alone, only showing the best version of myself when I’m around others.

So many of us are quick to help those around us when they are going through challenges. If a friend or family member asks for support in times of need, we are willing to help them because we love them and want what is in their best interest. No one likes seeing someone struggle. I believe God instilled within us an urge to help others in their times of need. We are meant to lift up and encourage others, no matter what they face.

Throughout the Bible, God has shown us our need for others. We need Jesus for our salvation, and we need other Jesus followers to support us on our journey of life.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

In the movie CODA, Ruby showed us the importance of accepting help from others. In her senior year of high school, she found the courage to sign up for choir to pursue her love of singing. However, on her first day of choir, Ruby was terrified to sing in front of the other students and ran out of Mr. V’s classroom. After the initial shock wore off, Ruby explained to Mr. V. how afraid she was to sing in front of others.

She felt like an outcast in her family and among her peers, and she was afraid of what other people would think. But something happened that day that would change the course of her life forever: Mr. V. saw the talent in Ruby, so much so that he encouraged her to audition for the Berklee College of Music.

Mr. V. saw Ruby struggle with her confidence, but he consistently encouraged her throughout her journey. He gave her private lessons and believed in her, even when she did not believe in herself. Without the support of Mr. V., it is very likely Ruby would not have pursued her education in music. He helped Ruby gain the confidence she needed and showed her that she had what it took to follow her dreams.

In fact, Mr. V. taught her one of life’s greatest lessons: We are not meant to do life alone.


What was a time in your life that you were afraid to ask others for help? How did you feel telling others that you needed help and support?

Why do you think it feels so uncomfortable at times to ask others for help?

Next Steps:

Through prayer, surrender any fears about asking for help to God. Ask him to give you the necessary courage so you do not have to face life alone.

Join a Group and develop life-giving relationships with people who will support you through life’s ups and downs.


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the gift of life-giving friends who are willing to help me in my time of need. Please encourage me to fearlessly help and support others in their times of need. It can be so difficult to admit to others that I need help; help me give up my fear of being needy and give me the courage I need to ask for others’ support when I face life’s trials. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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