What is the Bible & Why is it Reliable?

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, April 5, 2024

Would you be interested in reading a book that has sold over 5 billion copies? How about one that has been outlawed, smuggled, and died for?

The Bible actually meets all of these criteria.

Yet many people, even those who profess faith in Christ, don’t know exactly what the Bible is or if it's reliable. Let’s explore.

What is the Bible?
The Bible, often referred to as “The Good Book,” is actually not just one book but rather a collection or library of 66 writings, telling the story of God and his people. It is written by multiple authors and is comprised of the following genres:

  • Law
  • Prophecy
  • Wisdom
  • Poetry
  • Gospels
  • Epistles
  • Apocalyptic Literature

But wait! How are there multiple authors when “all Scripture is God breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)? Good question!

Indeed, the Bible is both human and divine. The Holy Spirit inspired the human authors who captured these thoughts on paper. What resulted is the story of God’s chosen people and their journey toward redemption that reaches its high point with Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Watch this video to find out more about what the Bible is and how we know it is trustworthy.

Is the Bible reliable?
Often what people are wondering is, must the Bible be believed on faith?

In reality, we put our faith in things every day. For example, we turn on the furnace with faith it will produce heat, and we drive cars on faith that the wheels won’t fall off.

So more accurately, what people are wondering is, do I have to believe the Bible on blind faith – a faith that isn’t supported with evidence?

But blind faith isn't the only type of faith out there. There is also reliable faith – faith that is based on evidence. This is actually the faith we use for our furnace, and car. It's also the kind of faith we can have with the Scriptures.

When we evaluate the Bible by the same standards used to judge the reliability of other ancient texts, we find the Bible is indeed reliable. Check out this article to learn more about its authenticity.

So now that we know more about what the Bible is and its reliability, why should we read it? Join us as we explore that question next week.

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