Be Still

Weekend Series: Advent 2023

DreamTeam Writer: Jennifer Macke

Thursday, December 28, 2023

With the hustle of Christmas behind us, let’s take time to relax and refresh ourselves before the new year hits. This week is a great time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and what it means for the future. 

Hope was born at Christmas—his name is Jesus Christ. 

Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, hope can be celebrated not only at Christmas but throughout the entire year and into eternity!

I am reminded of Psalms 46:10. Although a popular and well-loved verse, I think its true meaning may surprise you.

Psalms 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world” (emphasis added).

When I read this passage, I noticed something interesting. The act of putting a comma after “still” is the grammatical way of telling us that these are two separate commands—as they were fully intended. 

“Be still” is a direct command from God.

He is telling us to stop our pointless efforts trying to control things that only he can control. Stop fighting with our own strength and surrender to him to guide and guard us through whatever battles come.

If you only looked at verse 10, it may appear to mean that we need to quiet ourselves and listen to God. However, it is necessary to look at the context of the full book to find the true meaning. Psalms 46 is about the greatness of God and his power that can deliver us from anything! 

“Know that I am God.”
Not only is God all-knowing, everywhere, and all-powerful he is also loving and faithful. We can trust that God’s plans for us are good (Jeremiah 29:11). That means no matter what we are facing, he can bring us through it. There is no hardship that will prevent us from living out God’s plan for our lives if we put our trust in him. 

Be still, and let go. Or better yet—be still, and let God. Then and only then will we learn that God is in complete control and fully understand the meaning of Psalms 46:10.

What are you carrying that you need to surrender to God?

Do you understand the command in Psalms 46:10? Have you tried being still and leaning on God during your times of trouble?

Next Steps:
Listen to Jack Cassidy’s “Let Go, Let God.” This song is a great example of what Psalms 46:10 conveys. Listen closely to the words to discover what happens when you lay down your life like Jack did.

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Dear Father in heaven, please help me surrender control of my life to you. Grant me eyes to see your all-knowing and unfailing love for me. Thank you for Jesus’ birth at Christmas and for the hope that only he can provide. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that is ever-present in my heart. Please grant me protection and deliverance from my daily hardships. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

This post was written by Jennifer Macke, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut.

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