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Church Community: Sarah Bucher

Thursday, May 9, 2024

We’ve almost made it to the end of the school year - hand claps all around! And whether you welcome summer break, or are wrapping your brain around a new schedule ... I think we can all agree that we don’t want summer to fly by.

What’s that famous Ferris Bueller quote? Something about slowing down so we don’t miss it? Yea, life does move pretty fast.

So, what if this summer was different? Let’s consider:

  1. Less is more. It’s really easy to think of ALL the things we should be doing to make our summer count. We want to give our kids all the experiences, read all the books, explore all the fun places. But there is a fine line between fun and chaos. Consider sitting with your spouse, and older kids, to dream about your summer together. What’s your, “No matter what, we have to _________” statement? Get those priorities on the calendar instead of feeling the pressure to do all the good things.
  2. Schedule a Sabbath. New rhythms have a way of blurring priorities. Make sure a weekly day of rest is in your family’s summer schedule. Even though school isn’t happening – chores, grocery shopping, lawn mowing and email never take a holiday. What does a day of fun, sabbath, worshipful rest look like for your family?
  3. Get away. Summer is a perfect time to disconnect and explore together as a family. Vacations can be as grand or as simple as you need them to be - an overnight in a fun hotel, camping in the backyard, or traveling across the country. Whatever floats your adventure boat. The goal is to spend quality time with the people you love most in a distraction-free space where fun and connection come a little easier.

Let’s make memories this summer and slow down enough to savor them. Here’s to adventure in the best kind of ways!

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