Five Questions to Ask Your Kid

Church Community: Stephanie Thomas; Parent Cue

Thursday, February 13, 2025

1. What are you most excited about right now?

This might just be the best (and easiest) jumping off point for connection. Ask the question and be prepared to listen—for a while. After all, kids are often bursting with excitement about one thing or another. To have an adult’s willing ear is a treat like no other.

2. What do you and your friends laugh about these days?

We are no doubt cooler than our kids give us credit for. Still, you can take advantage of your access to youth—ahem, your children—to learn more about what’s funny to this generation. And then, look for ways to get more laughs in your home.

3. What are you: hoping to do for your birthday, for summer vacation, etc.

These special occasions give kids an opportunity to dream big. And they don’t even have to be right around the corner. Consider it a window into your child’s imagination.

4. What’s making you mad lately?

We can tend to expect our kids to be happy-go-lucky creatures—what care do they have in this world? But if we think back to our own childhoods, we know there was plenty enough to be frustrated about. Imagine if you’d had an adult who gave credibility to your concerns and helped you work through your emotions and maybe even find a solution?

5. What’s something cool you heard or learned about recently?

Kids like to feel knowledgeable and sometimes know things I can’t confirm without Googling. Give your child’s brain a chance to shine and look for ways to learn more about their interests together.

And one more thing ... Timing matters. It’s okay to give our kids a breather during transitional periods and to focus our energy on connecting when they’ve had a minute to relax alone and to adjust to the atmosphere of the moment. If it feels right, you might answer a few of these questions too and have fun connecting with your kid.

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