Give Presence

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, December 22, 2023

This time of year, seemingly more than any other, stresses the importance of making lasting memories with loved ones. A quick web search results in numerous articles such as “21 Ways to Make Christmas Extra Magical” or “31 Ways to Make Christmas Memorable”. While these contain lovely ideas, what if you could create cherished memories that would bring joy long after the Christmas season fades without being complicated?

You can! This year give the gift of presence.

Before you brush this off as some sappy suggestion, consider some current statistics which suggest 58% of people don’t feel known well by others, and at least 30% of people feel lonely.

In our world of digital distraction, people are craving the gift of undivided attention – to be seen, heard and genuinely known. Taking time to fully engage with others truly is a gift that will positively impact your life and theirs. This Christmas the opportunities to create lasting, cherished memories are as close as genuinely connecting with those around you.

Did you know that when you focus intently on something positive for 10-20 seconds, this becomes imprinted on the brain? Thus, when you connect with someone, and focus intently on enjoying times of laughter and warm conversation, your brain will remember these details and you’ll recall joy as you ponder them in the future, and likely so will they. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving.

Try the following to be more present with your loved ones this holiday season.

First, pause. Its hard to be present with others if our minds are scattered. Carve out some quiet time alone with Jesus and be present with him. Perhaps light a candle and take some slow deep breaths. Meditate on Scripture, pour out the burdens you are bearing or perhaps just sit in the quiet and listen for God’s still, small voice. Recenter yourself in his love as you reflect on his presence with you -- our Emmanuel (God with us).

Then, as you recall Christ is ever present with you, pay this forward and present with others. Be intentional in your conversations. Look in the person’s eyes, laugh together, listen with love and compassion, and ask questions as a way to understand them better.

As you do, you will create memories and connection that will last for years to come – a gift to the person you are present for and you. Merry Christmas!

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