Grow your Faith

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Whether you recently gave your life to Christ, or have been on the spiritual journey for a while, actively taking steps to grow your faith will result in a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. A strong faith will help you persevere when life is hard and be an anchor in turbulent times. Plus, people with a strong faith life tend to experience better wellness. From greater longevity, to less anxiety and depression, to improved recovery from illness*, a strong faith enhances our quality of life. But how do we accomplish this?

There are a variety of ways to remain rooted and built up in Christ (Colossians 2:7), but here we’ll explore three possibilities.

Spend time with God
One of the best parts of a relationship is getting to know the other person. A key way we do this with God is through studying the Bible and spending time connecting with him through prayer. Setting aside time each day to read and ponder Scripture will help you learn who God is and better understand his incredible love for you.

Live It Out
Growth also occurs as we live out our faith. By incorporating what we’ve learned from the weekend message into our daily lives and interacting with it throughout the week, the information becomes heart knowledge, not just head knowledge. The message notes in the app are designed to provide the key ideas, Scripture, songs, and next steps, along with additional resources—all of which help you remain rooted and built up in Christ.

The message notes can be found by opening the app, clicking “Watch,” and tapping the first item under “Featured Videos.”

One final way to develop faith is to surround yourself with others also on the spiritual journey. Having companions on the adventure with us can help us navigate life's challenges and offer encouragement when needed and point us back to Christ.

Growing in our faith is a process that begins when we accept Jesus, and it becomes a life-long adventure. What will you do this week to grow yours?

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