Prepare for the Arrival

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, December 1, 2023

Can you believe Christmas is just a few weeks away? For many, the holiday hustle and bustle has commenced with our calendars bulging and our wallets feeling a bit lean. Joy, too, can seem elusive. However, as we watch the children in our lives, we see enthusiasm and anticipation radiating from their faces as they are mesmerized by the bejeweled tree and all the fun that the season holds.

You might be wondering how you can look forward to Christmas with the same eager expectation.

This is exactly what the season of Advent is all about. The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” You might be familiar with the calendars containing chocolate behind small doors or the wreaths with four candles, but Advent is so much more than a countdown to Christmas. A centuries old tradition, it is meant to be a season of reflection and spiritual growth. It's an opportunity to embrace the hope and promise found in Christ's arrival along with anticipation of his second coming. It's the perfect opportunity to set our hearts and minds on the true meaning of Christmas—the gift of Jesus.

Advent is a heart posture. With the dark mornings and evenings, it’s the perfect time to steal a few quiet moments to reflect on God’s precious gift of his Son, who came while we weren’t worthy to be the offering for our sin (Romans 5:8).

This Advent season, take some time to read God’s Word and reflect on his incredible love for us, his children. Numerous Advent books abound with Scriptures and reflections. You might already have a favorite that you enjoy pulling out and letting the familiar pages warm your heart—if so, fantastic! However, if you are looking for something to prepare your heart and make him room, we invite you to join us for our Advent devotions, complete with family activities. We will be offering these each day Monday through Friday in The Daily on the app, or through the LivingItOut, and if you’d like a daily digital reminder, text “Advent” to 419-419-0707. Will you join us?

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