Full or Fulfilled?

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, November 24, 2023

In an attempt to make the holiday season special, we seek meaning by filling our shopping carts, calendars, and bellies to overflowing. And while those may all be good things, the sheer quantity of ‘all the things,’ can leave us feeling exhausted from the frenzy. When we finally take time to reflect, we realize we still feel empty because we’ve lost sight of what really fills us.

A Christmas season filled with joy and peace sounds amazing in theory, but how do we keep Jesus at the center with all of those other seemingly meaningful things vying for our attention? Below are a few ideas to help.

First, pare down. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us there is a season for everything. What traditions do you still feel obligated to do even though they are no longer enjoyable? What can you cut to diminish the craziness? By simplifying what you have on your plate, you will create space to soak in the special moments. Choose a few traditions that add value, and set the others aside. If you really miss something, you can rotate it back next year.

Don’t neglect meeting with Jesus. Whether it's morning, night, or mid-day, prioritize reading his Word. One idea is to read the Advent devotions starting December 4th. You will be able to find them on the app or in the LivingItOut. If you want a daily reminder, text Advent to 419-419-0707.

Consider lighting a candle or putting lights by your nativity scene. Use the visual cue as a reminder to breathe in and out slowly as you pray “Jesus, fill me with your peace” to our Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

Create a Christmas playlist that reflects what we are truly celebrating. Belt out the tunes as you drive to your next event or clean your house for guests. Use the music to connect your heart to our Savior and remind you of all the wonderful things he has done (Isaiah 12:5).

And finally, love your neighbor as yourself. Find a way to bless someone in need. Does the elderly person next door need help with outside chores? Perhaps you know of a struggling family who would be blessed by a meal. How can you be the hands and feet of Jesus this Christmas?

May you experience true peace and joy through Christ as we prepare to celebrate his birth.

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