Rethink a Thing or Two - Mixed Emotions

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Rethink a Thing or Two – Mixed Emotions

September 28, 2022/in Bible Study, Week 3

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How much time have you wasted wanting a better life and thinking about what could quench that thirst? We’ve all been there, and living in that space rarely leaves us satisfied.

We wanted a better and warmer living environment at the beginning of our marriage. California was great, but we were disappointed with our first housing choice. Getting closer to the ocean was one way to improve our circumstances.

While the weather made up for some things, the absence of family still left us lonely. We continued to believe “ER” words suited us well, but we were never completely content, or things didn’t work out as planned. Staying in a city longer, trying to be stronger without any help, and thinking a wealthier bank account would deliver all of our needs only brought us more disappointment.

Much of our pursuits were more about keeping up with the Joneses than focusing on our relationships with God and each other.

Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

The weekend message taught us we have to navigate out of disappointments by avoiding the lies of “ER.” Gaining power, being cooler, or getting richer will never internally satisfy you. Believing in those lies won’t quench your thirst, and the taste will eventually turn bitter as you continue chasing after shiny things.

We all need to learn how to be content. That doesn’t mean we can’t strive for greatness, but we must separate ourselves from the worldview of greatness to find satisfaction in God’s will.

NFL quarterback Tom Brady continues to play for rings, but many already considered him the greatest QB of all time—a long time ago. NBA legend Michael Jordan is regarded as the greatest athlete but feels cursed and continues to pursue other accomplishments, knowing they won’t satisfy him. Do their unsatisfied natures elevate their achievements?

In contrast, JD Salinger published one novel that has stood the test of time, but he continued writing without publishing another. Lauryn Hill recorded one solo album, then stayed away from the industry when unrealistic expectations threatened her artistry. As Lauryn explained, “I challenged the norm and introduced a new standard… I believe The Miseducation did that, and I believe I still do this. [Myself and my album] defy convention when the convention is questionable.” It seems JD and Lauryn found freedom instead of living in disappointment. They managed to be content.

1 Timothy 6:6

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.


What do you find disappointing about your life? What areas are you content with?

Next Steps:

Continue making God a part of your daily life by reading the Bible, attending a weekend service, and joining a Group. Pray about the things that leave you unsatisfied and share those concerns with people you trust.


Lord, help me find peace when my mind is racing and pushing me toward the things of the world that have me competing against myself and others. Help me turn toward you and my family more consistently. May your words become mine more often throughout my daily conversations. Amen.

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