Live Through It - Mixed Emotions

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Live Through It – Mixed Emotions

September 29, 2022/in Bible Study, Week 3

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If you’re anything like me, you get a case of the what ifs when faced with something disappointing or when you get let down. What if I would have been there when …? What if I would have answered that phone call from …? What if I had never started …?

I know there are a million what ifs. Yet, when I pray and think about it, there is only one answer and that answer isn’t mine to give—it’s God’s. He gave us free will to choose our own actions, but when we ask ourselves, “What if?” there’s no possible way to explain what the outcome would have or could have been.

On September 29, 1999, I lost a family member whom I was really close to in a car accident. The night before, I had gotten into some trouble with my mom and wasn’t allowed to go out with my cousin and friends. I don’t remember what I did, but that is definitely one of my what ifs.

What if I hadn’t gotten into trouble and was with my cousin on his last night on earth?

Would we have done the same thing we always did—drive around listening to music and just being teenagers? Probably. Would things have worked out differently? I don’t know. No one does—except God. But it was the regret of not seeing him one last time that really hurt.

It took me a while to work through my grief. I was upset with God that I didn’t have the opportunity to see my cousin that last night he was on earth. When we are disappointed with ourselves, it’s easier to project our feelings on someone else—often God. He can handle it, though, and when we take our problems to him, he will help us do the necessary work in ourselves to get through it.

Romans 12:3

Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.

Over time, God helped me realize I was actually upset with myself and felt guilty for not being there on account of my own actions. God helped me understand that I was disappointed because it was me who had prevented myself from saying goodbye one more time. Once I was able to work through that, my healing began through God’s grace.

Mark 9:23

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”

Rather than avoiding or suppressing disappointing situations, we can take our problems to the Father and grow in our faith.


Do you work through disappointment or avoid it like the plague? Do you ever get a case of the what ifs?

Next Steps:

Keep reading the daily LivingItOut and encourage others to work through disappointment rather than staying down. Don’t say “I’m fine” when you aren’t. Pick up the phone and talk to someone in your Group, and if you’re not in one, consider joining one.


God, thank you for this series. Through it, I’m learning so much about myself. You never steer me wrong. You have not failed, and I know you won’t. Please allow the words you give me to influence others so they may put their trust in you when they feel discouraged and disappointed. Thank you for being there when I am in my darkest moments of disappointment and pointing me toward Jesus, the light. Amen.

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