Time to Go

Church Community: Lauren Snyder

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Anytime I haul the family out of town, I’m reminded of the challenges that come when leaving the comforts of home. For example, sleeping arrangements are complicated and schedules are askew, leaving all of us more prone to crankiness. Catch me at the wrong moment and I’ll give you a list of reasons why it would be better to just stay home!    

This desire to stick with what you know isn’t unique to me, or even to our day and age. Rewind two thousand years, and Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a quandary. Jesus had just demonstrated his power and trustworthiness by conquering death. In some of his final moments on earth he told them to “go and make disciples of all nations,” (Matthew 28:19, NLT). And guess what those disciples did!? They stayed. Fear of what obedience might cost prevented them from following a directive meant to bring the good news to the world. 

Is there a comfort zone Jesus is calling you to leave for the sake of sharing His good news with a hurting world? Stepping into a group of people who are different from you - in age, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or spiritual beliefs, can be overwhelming. Here are some simple strategies to help: 

  1. Pray first. You’re not doing this alone! God’s Spirit lives within all who have placed their faith in Jesus. Ask for guidance and encouragement. 
  2. Team up with a friend. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, he sent his disciples out in pairs. Having a partner helps you stay on mission and makes things more fun! 
  3. Be on the lookout. Opportunities to help people encounter Jesus are all around us. Keep your eyes and heart open!
  4. Point to Jesus. As people ask, “Why are you so helpful/kind/generous?” you can authentically tell them, “Because you matter to God and you matter to me,” a simple invitation to a deeper and eternity-changing conversation.  


The early disciples didn’t “go” on their own, but God used an “involuntary go,” working through trials to prompt them away from their comfort zones and into the world (as described by Dr. Ralph Winter in The Kingdom Strikes Back). What will it take for you to heed the nudge that God is giving all of us, to step away from known places with known people and known routines and to share the good news of Jesus? 

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