Want Better Wellness? Give Thanks!

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, November 10, 2023

With Halloween fading in the rearview mirror, our focus shifts to this season where “Give Thanks” is embroidered on pumpkins, plastered on wooden placards, and adorning our front doors. But this little phrase often feels too simplistic for today’s stress-filled world.

Yet, as Christians, we are exhorted throughout the Bible to do exactly this. Apparently, God thinks giving thanks is important for our walk with him and can impact our life here on earth.

As science catches up with our Creator, we realize that God seems to be onto something. Research shows living a life of gratitude is more than just a nice suggestion – it actually benefits our physical and mental wellbeing. Did you know that an “attitude of gratitude” releases neurotransmitters and hormones that improve our mood, enhance our focus, and bring clarity to our thinking? It can even help counter anxiety and depression. Over time, it can actually change the way we see the world. The good news is, as we strengthen our "gratitude muscle," we retrain the pathways of our brain, resulting in a more positive/grateful mindset and improving our quality of life.

So now that we know practicing gratitude not only impacts our wellness but also honors God’s call on our life, how can we step into this?

In our frantic busy lives, we have the tendency to blow right past our blessings without even seeing them. From now until Thanksgiving, try challenging yourself to see the blessings around you.

  • Each morning pray, asking God to open your eyes to the blessings right in front of you.
  • As you go through your day, keep a running list of blessings big and small, recording them on your phone perhaps. You can even use all those “Give Thanks” decorations as a reminder. (1 Chronicles 16:34)
  • Before bed, review your list. Thank and praise God for each blessing. Recognize that each good gift, whether as mundane as a hot shower or as exciting as a job promotion, comes from him (James 1:17) and praise him for it.

Want a bonus challenge? Tell others about a blessing from the previous day. Make it a habit to share how God is moving in your life.

Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.

Psalm 105:1

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