Opportunity in Disguise

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Did you know Americans spent over 10 billion dollars on Halloween in 2022? Each year the decorations and costumes become more elaborate. Gone are the days of ghost costumes made from old sheets or simply carving a jack-o-lantern with a toothy grin. Now there are complex patterns and specialized carving tools to accomplish the squash art. And have you seen people’s yards lately? Giant skeletons and decorations with motion sensors abound. For many, Halloween is a big deal.

As Christians, some may wonder if participating in a holiday that centers around spookiness and death is appropriate. And indeed, if you feel strongly that God is prompting you to not participate at all, that should be honored. However, Halloween may be an invitation opportunity in disguise. “Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity” and graciously proclaim the message of Christ – offering light and hope to a dark world (Colossians 4:5-6 MSG).

Halloween is a chance to demonstrate generosity! You can be the house that gives the stale licorice, or the one that gives a handful of really good candy - maybe even a full-sized candy bar. You never know when your generous spirit may open the door for a conversation about Jesus!

Speaking of conversation, Trick-or-Treat, especially here in Ohio, is one of the last times people get together outside before the cold sets in. This means it’s a perfect opportunity to invite. You could be “that family”. No, not the one who barely cracks the door to hand out one piece of hard bubble gum - the family to host a neighborhood gathering around a chili cook-off before trick-or-treating. Or you could gather families around a firepit afterward for some snacks and cocoa. People often take the night off from other things in order to partake in the festivities of the evening, meaning they are more likely to accept your invitation. Suddenly, you have an easy opening for deeper conversation and connection as well as an opportunity to share your faith in Christ.

It’s why we host Halloweekend at CedarCreek, providing you with a fun occasion to introduce people to Jesus and the life-changing adventure with him.

Whatever Halloween looks like for you, consider making the most of every opportunity this fall to extend generosity and a warm invitation to connect with others and share the hope you have in Christ.

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