2023 Week 1 - Day 3

Weekend Series: An Inspiring Touch

DreamTeam Writer: Lydia Snyder

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Brandon finished his dinner and packed the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. He was wiping off the counter when he heard a knock on his front door.

“One minute,” he muttered, still rattled by his outburst earlier. His voice had all but shriveled up inside of him.

Angela stood outside. Even though the sun was setting on the opposite side of the building, Brandon could make out the hint of embarrassment in her hunched shoulders and slight blush. She straightened when he opened the door, but the blush deepened.

“I just… I want to… show you something. Could you come to my apartment for a minute?” She glanced down at her hands, then back up at him.

Brandon didn’t feel like talking, but Angela’s eyes looked so hopeful and nervous at the same time. Brandon found himself saying, “Yes. Alright. I’ll come over for a little bit.”

Her apartment smelled sweet and warm with the scent of baking cookies, so bright and cheerful compared to his gray-scale rooms. Angela led Brandon over to a fern green rocking chair, then settled herself in front of an upright piano, facing him.

“You said… earlier… that you don’t know how to move on,” Angela started.

“I don’t really want to talk about this.” Brandon muttered, shifting in his seat.

“Stop.” Angela held up her hand, palm out. “Just listen, okay. Ten years ago, when everything happened, I lost my dad. He taught me to play the piano, and every time I play, I think of him. So I stopped playing because we have to ‘move on.’” She sighed, turned around on the bench, and pulled back the lid. Long and slender, her fingers fit perfectly on the white keys. Brandon watched from the chair as she took a deep breath and pressed.

She missed a few notes. Brandon noticed that first. But as Angela picked up speed, he stopped caring about the sour notes or awkward pauses. The song, even in its imperfection, swirled around and inside him.

Angela finished and Brandon saw her take in a long shuddering breath. “Goodness,” she said, turning back to him and wiping a hand across her eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t expect this!” She laughed and gestured at her face, another tear streaking its way down her cheek. Her smile faded as her eyes focused on Brandon. “Do you see what I mean? I couldn’t really explain it any other way. It’s just… I don’t want to move on and leave behind the things I love.”

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