2024-2025 Interns

Maud Avevor’s Internship

February 27, 2024 to May 30, 2025
CedarCreek Church

Dearly beloved, I am thrilled by the opportunity to serve as an intern at CedarCreek, a community where I have found profound relationships and purpose. This internship represents a chance for me to give back and contribute my skills in the administration of the Church. Your generous support will provide me with the resources and focus needed to fully immerse myself in this internship. Thank you for considering joining me in this exciting adventure!

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A month of LOVE!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

At the beginning of the internship, when we were told we’d be writing monthly blog posts, I wondered if I would have enough to share. I also questioned whether I could write full posts because I never really saw myself as a writer.

But here we are, months later, still going strong! Through this process, I’ve learned not to lean on my own understanding but to trust God in everything.

As an intern class, we spent a few days in Chicago with Mission Church and Willow Creek; two churches deeply passionate about reaching people. Beyond attending services, we had the privilege of connecting with incredible individuals who welcomed us into their homes, poured wisdom into us, and encouraged us to keep moving forward, trusting God even when the path is not clear.

I also had the opportunity to shadow Brent Pirolli in the IT department. It was fascinating to see how IT infrastructure is set up and how technology supports ministry.

And Oh! I attended Toby Mac's concert! It was such an incredible experience, made possible thanks to Bryan and Holly Dickman.

Finally, in this season, I am reminded that I really do not need to have everything figured out; I just need to show up with LOVE because LOVE is SACRIFICE. *My personal references: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son ... and Jesus loved us so much that He laid down His life on the cross for us.* Overall, this journey continues to stretch me, teaching me to trust more, love more, and step boldly into opportunities; even the ones I never saw myself capable of.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers :-)

New Year! New Dawn filled with Growth, Gratitude and God

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Where is the time running to? This is by far the fastest January I have experienced!

A major highlight this month was volunteering at the Car Care Clinic. It was such a fun experience learning about different car parts and yes, I securely fastened a brake pad for the first time! For a moment, I felt like a professional mechanic. And in case you're wondering, I left without a single oil stain on my pink blouse. YEP, That's me! Told you so! You can now call me Professional Mechanic Maud :-).

I also attended a Mission Increase workshop with Bryan Dickman (Director of Finance) and Christy Eddy (Assistant Director of Giving) on "More than Major Donors", which reinforced the power of personalized messages in donor engagement. It was a great reminder of how intentional communication touches the hearts of donors differently and truly makes a difference.

To wrap up the month, our intern class spent 24 hours in prayer at Maumee Bay State Park and Resort. The beauty and peace of the place were breathtaking. The view was just amazing. God is indeed the Master Architect. During the retreat, we studied the book of James, listed 40 things we’re thankful for, and exchanged handwritten gratitude notes. We had to read these notes aloud; it was such an emotional moment for me, listening to those heartfelt words from my fellow interns. They touched my heart in such an amazing way, and I’m beyond grateful to be part of this cohort.

January has been amazing, and I’m excited to see the hand of God move in the rest of the year!

JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!

Friday, December 27, 2024

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Amid the hustle of gift shopping and preparing festive meals, it’s easy to lose sight of the true essence of this season. Christmas is more than the festivities; it’s a celebration of Jesus, the REASON for the Season.

I want to encourage us to pause and reflect on the heart of Christmas.
Let’s take a moment to be grateful, to embrace the hope and love that this season represents.

This year has been filled with incredible experiences and blessings, and I am deeply thankful for the amazing community God has surrounded me with.

As the New Year approaches, I am excited and hopeful, trusting in God’s continued faithfulness.

My prayer for you is that God reveals Himself in every aspect of your life in the coming year.

I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR filled with peace, joy, and God's abundant blessings.

A November to Remember

Sunday, December 1, 2024

November has been a beautiful blend of spiritual growth, professional development, and cherished personal moments.

Ministry Services hosted a Christmas party to celebrate the season, fostering camaraderie and celebration. On the professional side, I attended my first financial advisory meeting, which provided valuable insights into financial stewardship and planning.

As an intern class, we deepened our faith journey by learning about Apologetics and Tithing. We also had the opportunity to witness the uniqueness of each campus while observing how they complement one another in ministry.

On a personal note, Thanksgiving was a time of heartfelt connection. I joined South Toledo’s Arts/Music team for “Artsgiving” the Saturday before Thanksgiving, enjoying creativity and fellowship. On Thanksgiving Day, I celebrated with Luke and Sara Shortridge's family and friends for an amazing day of bonding over delicious meals, desserts, and games that created lasting memories.

Overall, this month has been filled with meaningful experiences that have brought 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 to life, illustrating the unity and diversity within the body of Christ.

Power Packed October!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Whewww! Day 1 feels like yesterday, and now, three months have passed. Reflecting on this internship, I’d sum it up in three words: Adventure, Growth, and Connection.

I had the incredible opportunity of shadowing Jyl DuShane, the Assistant Director of Logistics. I later stepped in to handle order deliveries while she was in Texas visiting family. This experience was truly life-giving. I saw firsthand how these logistics impact weekend experiences across all campuses and I enjoyed connecting with the inspiring logistics team (the picture captures it all).

This month, our intern class toured three different campuses, each unique in its own way. Findlay campus definitely took the prize because their hot chocolate packs were out on the coffee stands; hot chocolate is a win in my book! 😊 We, also enjoyed a retreat focused on Spiritual Disciplines, and recently, we’ve been diving into the art of crucial conversations, which couldn’t have been more timely as I’ve had to navigate one myself in recent weeks.

And today, I had the opportunity to attend a Strategic Planning workshop (organized by Mission Increase) with Bryan Dickman, Director of Finance who is also my supervisor. I can't wait to share my insights with my team and apply what I learned.

It’s been a fantastic journey overall, and I’m excited for what’s next.

P.S. Christmas is in 55 days! Of course I’m counting, it's my favorite time of year! 🎄

Time flies when you’re having fun!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Oh wow, am I the only one who feels like September flew by? It’s true what they say: time really does fly when you’re having fun!

The attached picture shows what a typical Monday morning looks like for me with the incredible count team. It is a joy to work through envelopes, post entries, and prepare celebration emails. It’s so exciting to witness how God moves in the lives of givers.

This month has been quite interesting. One of the highlights was attending the GROW conference in Canton, Ohio, and sharing my learnings with some friends and my supervisor. Together, my supervisor and I are exploring how to leverage these insights to help grow and strengthen our legacy team here at CedarCreek.

I have also completed additional data integrity training and have been assigned more responsibilities, which I am enjoying.

Oh, and my supervisor tasked me with "The Maud Challenge," which is simply connecting with amazing people from various ministries and campuses to learn their stories and understand how their roles support the Church. This experience has helped bring me out of my shell, allowing me to interact and get to know the incredible people around me.

Finally, navigating several challenges this month, the series "Stronger than Stress" has been a timely reminder to take breaks and be mindful of how I respond to situations around me.

Overall, I’m excited to see what the future holds. Thank you family for your support. I am truly grateful :-)

The Future is EXCITING!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Hello friends and family,

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already been a month since I started my internship with the Business and Administration team!

This journey has been nothing short of incredible, filled with learning and growth as I work alongside amazing, like-minded individuals. My first month has been a whirlwind of continuous learning, and I’m confident that this will carry on because, as individuals, we are meant to learn and grow - it’s second nature to us.

My typical three-day workweek begins on Mondays with the count team, where I assist with balancing accounts and providing weekly financial updates to the leadership team to support decision-making. On Tuesdays, I dive into understanding key aspects of data integrity. Thursdays are split between Finance and Data Integrity, offering support where needed. I have also had the chance to sit in meetings with members of the financial advisory committee as we prepare for the new financial year.

Two standout moments this month were attending the Global Leadership Summit for the first time and participating in Growth Track Refresh 9.0, but what truly made an impact was being part of my very first Dream Team launch. It was an amazing opportunity to align the Church's mission for the upcoming year with the Dream Team. Another significant experience for me has been reading "Making Numbers Count" with my team. We have been sharing insights during meetings and working on ways to translate complex data into simpler forms for better communication with 'non-numbers' people.

Overall, it’s been a wonderful experience, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for both for my career goals and spiritual growth.

I want to say a special thank you to my support team - those who have supported me financially, emotionally, with wisdom, and through prayer.

Your presence and support mean the world to me, and while a simple thank you may not be enough, I pray that God blesses you in a very special way.

Thank you and have an amazing day!

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