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21 Days of Prayer Follow-up January 2024
Please answer the following by selecting the response the best describes you.
Rate your overall satisfaction with 21 Days of Prayer
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Rate your overall satisfaction with 21 Days of Prayer is required.
How has 21 Days of Prayer helped you grow spiritually? (Select all that apply)
Increased intentionality about a prayer-filled life
Increased my knowledge of scripture
Helped me connect with a community
Helped me know God
Allowed me to engage in church throughout the week
How has 21 Days of Prayer helped you grow spiritually? (Select all that apply) is required.
I pray more each day than I did at the start of 21 Days of Prayer
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I pray more each day than I did at the start of 21 Days of Prayer is required.
I have a "pray first" mindset
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I have a "pray first" mindset is required.
On average, how often did you utilize the Prayer Prompts?
Sporadically throughout the 21 days
1 to 2 times a week
3 to 5 times a week
Every day
I did not use the prompts
On average, how often did you utilize the Prayer Prompts? is required.
On average, how often did you watch the Daily Prayer Video?
Sporadically throughout the 21 days
1 to 2 times a week
3 to 5 times a week
Every day
I did not watch the Daily Prayer Video
I did not know about the Daily Prayer Video
On average, how often did you watch the Daily Prayer Video? is required.
When do you prefer to watch the Daily Prayer Video?
On demand whenever I have time
On demand in the morning (before 12pm)
On demand at lunch (12pm to 2pm)
On demand in the afternoon (2pm to 5pm)
On demand in the evening (after 5pm)
I did not watch the Daily Prayer Videos
When do you prefer to watch the Daily Prayer Video? is required.
Did you participate in fasting during the last 21 days?
Did you participate in fasting during the last 21 days? is required.
About how long have you regularly been participating at CedarCreek? (Streaming, attending, being in a group, serving, etc.)
Less than 6 months
Between 6 and 12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-9 years
10 years or more
I'm not a part of CedarCreek
About how long have you regularly been participating at CedarCreek? (Streaming, attending, being in a group, serving, etc.) is required.
What suggestions or feedback would you offer regarding 21 Days of Prayer?