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Ted and Brittany Melden | Life Change Story

A year after Ted and Brittany got married, Ted experienced a manic bipolar episode and was admitted into the hospital. Although the resulting challenges shook their faith, they eventually discovered a relationship with God that was stronger than anything they'd experienced before.

Marcus Matyi | Finding Purpose

When Marcus put his whole heart into pursuing a career that didn't work out, it felt like he'd lost his purpose. Still, he trusted God to get him through this new situation—and it lead to him discovering his sense of purpose in a whole new way.

Nathan Campbell | Life Change Story

When the truth of a family member's abuse came out, it shook Nathan’s world, to the point where he no longer wanted any kind of relationship. But through Nathan’s faith, he was able to go through the process of forgiveness and learned what it looks like to love someone, even if they’re not safe to have in your life.