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Rick Watson | Be Inspired

Growing up as a pastor’s kid, Rick was raised believing there was a lot he needed to do to earn a place in heaven. Through curiosity and questions, and being open to what God had for him, Rick was able to learn what true grace and forgiveness look like, how to live from them instead of for them, and how to offer them freely to others.

Taylor Pendergraff | Life Change Story

Before Jesus, Taylor struggled with depression and anxiety. She felt like she was searching for purpose in things that didn't last. When she found true purpose and love in Jesus, Taylor knew baptisms was her next step.

Edna | Groups

Edna's past Group experiences had left her skeptical. When she and her friend couldn't find what they were looking for in a Group, Edna decided to start her own - and it completely changed her perspective.

Randy Pelc | Groups Life Change

Randy always had excuses to avoid joining a Group. When he found one that could help him achieve some of his personal goals, he ended up experiencing so much more than he'd expected.

Bill Kelley | Life Change Story

Bill describes himself as a "recovering Pharisee." He was doing all the things he felt a Christian was supposed to do, but not necessarily for the right reasons—until he found a better way.